Our story

BrandStencil is made up of a team of multiskilled digital experts. We believe in creating accessible sustainable technology that helps people protect their valuable brand assets.

We are on a mission to make brand management easier by;

  • Empowering people to easily produce on-brand materials.

  • Reducing the time brand managers spend on brand governance.

  • Using technology effectively to improve the way people work.

BrandStencil was developed from the ground up by Electric Putty, a digital agency founded in 2004, working with the charity and NFP sector.

History of BrandStencil

In 2013 Electric Putty was commissioned to develop a number of brand centres as part of website projects. These brand hubs had web-editable templates which could be used to create posters, flyers and other customisable marketing and comms material.

We learned a lot during this process and could see the value the brand centres provided our clients so we decided to 'productise' the service and created BrandStencil.

We launched BrandStencil in 2016 with our first client, RSPB and will always be very grateful to them that they were willing to give this new start-up a try. Since then we have continued to grow and gain more clients across the charity and not for profit sector, and beyond.

Steady success from launch meant that BrandStencil evolved into its own team and is now a separate, thriving business.

Future of BrandStencil

We continue to develop the BrandStencil platform building new features that are laser focussed on our client's needs.

We factor accessibility and sustainability into all our development and business decisions. Our aim is to create inclusive software and services that do not harm our planet.

We are excited to work with people who share our values and mission.

Brand Stencil team 1

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We've got articles about; brand management systems, accessible PDFs, product features, rebranding and lots more.

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