Our smart templates with enhanced logic mean you can create a huge number of variations in design, content and output from a single template, all perfectly on-brand.
Digital & print templates

Template features
No more weird brand interpretations, rogue fonts or wandering logos.
Our template tool gives your people the freedom to create their own designs from templates whilst ensuring that they stay on-brand.
Free your inbox of those niggling design requests and tweaks and take control with a few easy steps. Read on for a breakdown of our template features.

Managing brand design with templates
Although you want to have more control over your brand you don’t want all the designs to look the same. Our template tool can;
- Offer preset colour palettes for users to update the colour scheme
- Enable a choice of different brand themes
- Provide a choice of design layouts within one digital template
- Link to select images in your image library or DAM and/or allow users to upload their own images
The inbuilt Brand Styles section makes all your brand information available on your platform.

Managing content with templates
It’s not just the design elements that you want to lockdown. You want some control over the content too. With our templates you can;
- Break down content into separate fields
- Control the amount of content that can be added in specific fields
- Offer formatting options in the text editor
- Use data to auto-populate template content to maintain accuracy and efficiency
- Control messaging with audience specific headings and subheadings
- Generate multi-page/sided documents and digital resources
Take a look at what some of our clients have created.
Work with colleagues on your designs with our easy collaboration tool. Find out more about the collaboration features.

Managing inclusive language with templates
Many organisations have inclusive language guidance already but getting people to adopt it can be difficult. We can help prompt people to use your preferred language with our template tool;
- Checks for words or phrases you don't want people to use
- Recommends but doesn't force them to use the preferred term
- Provides more information on why to help educate longer term.
If you'd like to see how we help you manage inclusive language and editorial guidelines get in touch for a demo.

Managing localisation with templates
If you have a global workforce or you create content for multiple languages you'll need your templates to be multilingual. Our template tool can;
- Create templates in any language or text direction
- Use your brand font - where it's available in your chosen language
- Display placeholder content in your chosen languages
- Display assets (e.g. logos) in your chosen language

Managing sharing your designs
You want to give people the right options to use their designs once they are made. With our templating tool you can output your designs in multiple ways;
- Digital with JPEGS or PNG file types.
- Print or sharing with PDF file types.
- Professional print option with crop, bleed and CMYK
- Multiple paper sizes
- Multiple digital sizes
- Share on social right from the platform
- Email right from the platform
- Order right from the platform
Template creation is a customised solution meaning we can create templates uniquely designed to perfectly align with your brand guidelines, organisational requirements and user needs.

Teenage Cancer Trust
Since providing BrandStencil templates to staff across our organisation we've created a more direct avenue for them to produce on-brand collateral themselves, in the time it would normally take them to complete a request form for design team support. Thus allowing our design team to focus on priority projects. The BrandStencil team have been dedicated to making sure the platform delivered what we needed it to and worked hard to create seamless integration with our internal network.
Brand and Design Manager, Teenage Cancer Trust

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