
We care about our planet and we want to help to protect it so we are committed to creating a sustainable, responsible business.

This means reducing our carbon footprint wherever we can. We factor sustainability into the decisions we make about our product and we are continuously learning how we can improve our sustainability practices. We welcome your feedback if you have any suggestions to make.

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Sustainable software development

We follow green coding practices to design our software to minimise energy consumption.

Reducing energy use also improves the performance of the application. This has the added benefit of creating a better experience for the user.

The greening of our software is a work in progress, we are continuously reviewing and evolving to improve.

You can view a recent carbon footprint analysis of this website here.

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Green hosting

We use renewable green energy for hosting our platform. Our website is hosted with Digital Ocean which itself uses an Equinix London data centre which runs on 100% renewable energy.

We used the Green Web Foundation to verify the green credentials of our hosting provider.

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Carbon credits

We support climate projects all over the world through our monthly donation to Ecologi. See our growing forest here.

We chose Ecologi because as well as planting trees to support climate projects they also offer other tools like a carbon footprint calculator to help us get to net zero.


Working toward net zero

We have joined the UK SME Climate Hub which is part of the UN's Race to Zero campaign. We have committed to work toward net zero and to measure our progress along the way.

Let's talk

If you'd like to learn more about what we are doing to become more sustainable or you've got ideas on how we can reduce our carbon footprint, please get in touch.

Contact us