Change Log

This is a summary of new features, bug fixes and improvements made to BrandStencil with each release. The updates are listed in reverse chronological order (the most recent is listed first).

[3.6.2] - 02-07-2024


  • New Preview and Thumbnail rendering service - delegating image generation to most efficient process
  • SavedMaterial Observer - auto deletes old thumbnail images on model updating and deleting actions
  • Preview Count counter added to SavedMaterial model to track preview usage
  • Ordering Settings - views which group together stocked / on-demand products and show a table of variants for each. All data can be exported as CSV
  • Format config overrides - ability to add complex, rule based rules for Format Tab Visibility
  • Order Processed Event added - can now configure accounts to send notifications after 3rd party processing is complete
  • Keyword search to SavedMaterials
  • Launched RedirectHelper - this will send the user back to their filtered list after an action is performed in a single resource
  • Launched MagicLink login method - set this up as default on Demo accounts


  • Updated bulk upload tool to allow more props to be set globally and to improve UX
  • Updated password strength rules - enforced on all password setting processes - updated Trail accounts to use Magin Links to sign in - added extra test coverage to account creation process
  • Added extra checks on user's ability to reset password
  • Added 'Buttonify' Redactor plugin to easily style up links as buttons
  • Auto selection of Collection thumbnail if not manually set
  • Added options to order settings to display available stock when adding to basket and validate orders by available stock


  • Fixed JS bug when adding a new variants if product was NOT stocked
  • Fixed default ordering of SavedMaterials
  • Fixed bug where certain filters were lost when paginating through SavedMaterials

[3.6.1] - 28-04-2024


  • Launched Design Commenting feature - users now have the ability to add comments to their own designs, or other's designs which have been shared with them. Comments can be added to the design as a whole or attached to a specific element within it.
  • Added ability to link to a Collection from within Brand Styles


  • Re-write of LiveCreate show/hide content stashing JavaScript - fixing bug where radio options didn't get re-populated correctly when shown again after being hidden
  • Implemented approve.all and declien.all super permissions for Account Admins to simplify Approval assignments


  • Bug which prevented Account Admins from deleting Saved Materials from Campaign Galleries
  • Bug where approval request notifications were going to all users in a team if limit_by_team was true
  • Bug with AssetBank pagination where first page was being skipped (e.g. first page is 0, not 1)
  • Bug where login link on public account caused loop if a custom_redirect rule was set

[3.6] - 09-03-2024


  • Launched Design Collaboration feature - users now have the ability to share their designs with other users and allow them to make updates to them.
  • Added ability to define low image dimensions in template but allow scaling - so the system will use any many pixels as are available in the uploaded image (up to a set maximum)

[3.5.1] - 13-12-2023


  • Added support for the creation of PDF UA compliant PDFs
  • Added support for AWS S3 Signed URLs


  • Bug in order search where numeric values and partial matches weren't always returned

[3.5] - 04-12-2023


  • Added Tone of Voice Assistant and Editorial Guidelines features
  • Added ability for Account Admins to reassign one users designs to another user
  • Added new style multi-action save button in LiveCreate editor


  • Re-write of Resource and SavedMaterial policies
  • Updated approval behaviour so users can add a message to the author on approval as well as decline

[3.4] - 16-10-2023

  • Upgraded underlying framework and all associated packages to latest versions

[3.2.3] - 27-07-2023


  • Added extra output on teams page to surface Self Selection settings
  • Added ability to require Ts & Cs when downloading an asset
  • Added ability to upload an image to a category
  • Added ability to set auto expiry rules at Format level - a nightly job auto expires all Resources that fulfil the rule
  • Added ability to Impersonate another user from the current account
  • Added Config Rules parsing to Config Service
  • Added members_can_access_unassigned_items flag to teams and added logic to ResourceFilter to allow/deny access to unassigned items based on this flag
  • Added code to Image Select App to skip crop when uploading as SVG even if crop is enabled.
  • Added code to Image Select App to skip crop when selecting an SVG from a Collection


  • Tidied up default sharing text - moved into language files
  • Extended Saved Material image usage checks - now checks run time availability of image if metadata has ID and Source, if not it checks expiry date in metadata set at poiny of selection


  • Fixed focusing templatre elements when input inside a group
  • Fixed bug in Saved Material image usage checks which meant under certain circumstances not all images were checked
  • Fixed date bug in exporting resource meta-data
  • Fixed issue where page vars weren't getting parsed if a input was inside a static group inside a repeating page
  • Fixed issus with Image Select App where uploading a new image and selecting from existing uploads were using the same can_crop setting

[3.2.2] - 19-05-2023


  • Dedicated Saved Material rendering test tool - easily test Saved Materials to check changes to templates haven't caused issues


  • Extended saved material thumbnail regeneration code to allow data validation to be turned off, making the tool able to run tests post template updates to help catch missing variable errors

[3.2.1] - 28-04-2023


  • Ability to duplicate an asset including any product variants
  • Ability to migrate a single asset to S3


  • Team member list - now uses standard grid list style and has async remove method
  • Team resource list - now uses standard grid list style and has async remove method
  • Collection resource list - updated to use generic JS

[3.2] - 05-04-20232


  • Created Template Cost Calculator framework
  • Download detail view - this shows which user has downloaded a specific asset
  • Additional feature tests to Account Creation service
  • Updated Awaiting Approval preivew to use LiveCreate multi-page preview


  • Rewrite of the modal generation Javascript to address accessibility issues
  • Colour contrast of default theme adjsted to improve accessibility
  • Extended list of protected sub-domains
  • Ensured all imputs have labels

[3.1.5] - 01-03-2023


  • Added ability to display value from order custom_props as custom report value in ordering report


  • Added code to remove any non UTF8 characters from imported Data Source
  • Added extra checks to prevent user copying a Saved Material which is in the user's basket

[3.1.4] - 30-01-2023


  • Local support for remote renderers (e.g CloudConvert)
  • Added support for audio playback in Output Vue component


  • Improved default handling of video and audio files - files are now auto transfered to preview storage and default icons are used if no custom thumbnail specificed

[3.1.3] - 13-01-2023


  • Tone of voice assistant

[3.1.2] - 23-11-2022


  • Ability to cancel Approval Request from Saved Materials list
  • Ability to define custom reporting props from ordering config
  • Ability to import / export ordering data as CSV


  • Add to basket UX enhancements
  • Enabled upload instructions to be set globally from Org config
  • Enhancements to Complis integration

[3.1.1] - 24-11-2022


  • Ability to scope product variants by paper size and page count
  • Ability to dynamically change the number of pages within a document
  • Ability to bulk delete resources via meta data
  • Ability to set default image meta data from template yaml
  • Ability to define dynamic keys in a config array which are parsed at run time


  • Data type issues with template data export

    [3.1.0] - 21-10-2022


  • Major refactor of frontend - introduction of component library and standardization across application
  • Major refactor of themeing techniques to use custom properties
  • Removed in-host modal from embeded installations - switched to using inline Vue Apps
  • Complete re-write of users listing


  • Resource Summary and Featured flag
  • Additional extra params for embeded installations

[3.0.6] - 10-08-2022


  • Updated Redactor to latest version
  • Enabled pastePlainText to be set at template level
  • Updated how hiddenInputs process static xPaths when loading values from DataSources to improve consistency
  • Enhanced Format Options so these can be configured as a Sprite radio


  • Ability to process user attributes in SAML Response and use these to update a user record during SSO
  • Template filter and force flag to Saved Material regeneration utility - this will help with testing template amendments

[3.0.5] - 12-05-2022


  • Role permission handling


  • Status attribute to resources

[3.0.4] - 03-02-2022


  • Checked upload for Resources - can now upload up to 500MB files
  • Enhanced Resources thumbnail generation - delegating to CloudConvert any images too large for local resizing
  • Thirdlight impersonate user - use individual user permissions when accessing ThirdLight via API

[3.0.3] - 16-12-2021



  • Bug where asset with no outputs rendered a blank screen in the Assets Output modal

[3.0.2] - 02-12-2021


  • Impersonate User method to ThirdLight Asset Store
  • Redactor field for resource descriptions
  • Support for custom order of API results to AssetBank Asset Store


  • Issue where folders where returned multiple times by Asset Store

[3.0.1] - 10-11-2021


  • Option to have custom view for main navigation
  • ReportingTrait to cache data retrieved from Activity Log for use in Reporting Controller


  • Updated Assets downloaded reports to fix performance issues


  • LiveCreate Data Source Bindings to prevent auto data source loading on Saved Materials
  • ResourceFilter bug where test for hasBeenDownloaded was checking the method not the property
  • Disk and path issue when rendering output image using CloudConvert
  • Bug in Team Modal Pagination
  • Bug with format of start date used in all reporting

[3.0.0] - 14-10-2021


  • Launch of Version 3.0
  • Upgraded Laravel to latest version and all associated packages
  • Upgraded to Composer version 2

[2.9.2] - 16-07-2021


  • Ability to refresh file meta data
  • Ability to preview videos in Assets Output Modal

[2.9.1] - 25-05-2021


  • BUZZ Gallery with modal to display individual posters
  • Added Resource meta data import tool
  • Image Generator service with new thumbnail generator (enhanced support for PDFs and new support for .ai and .eps files)
  • Added support for .ai and .eps file types via Bulk Upload tool

[2.9] - 24-04-2021


  • BUZZ Interface - (See: ---)
  • Added ability to set a reminder message for Team Self Selection - this can have custom message set in config
  • Added ability to define validation rules on Team Self Selection in config

[2.8.4] - 07-03-2021


  • Ability to disable row add and row delete from repeating fields
  • Ability to download a multi-page template as a set of images (jpeg / png)


  • Bug where image modal requests failed authentication of lanuched from the blank image field placeholder

[2.8.3] - 17-02-2021


  • Support for not equals (!=) logical operator in template YAML

[2.8.2] - 08-02-2021


  • Expiry date to resources
  • Additional global vars to all Stencils
  • Build process to create dynamic css files from colour and font settings in template repos
  • Order Rejection event which can be interpreted by custom services


  • Added caching to JavaScript which sets dynamic select options from DataSources (huge improvement in performance)


  • Bug where resource description wasn't displaying in output modal
  • Bug when parsing quoted CSV data which contained line breaks

[2.8.1] - 30-01-2021


  • PDF RGB 2 CMYK find and replace service


  • Bug in LiveCreate auto-clear setting where the default value was not getting set properly for a Saved Material

[2.8] - 15-12-2020


  • Launched Assets Outputs interface to render all output options in all contexts (embed / in-app)


  • Refactored all API routes and middlewear

[2.7] - 18-10-2020


  • Launched New Multi-Select modal to add resources to collections and users to teams
  • Added Sentry javascript monitoring


  • Emded behaviour for LiveCreate by dynamically setting the height of the editor based on avaiable space
  • Performance of multi-page tempates be removing calls to unnecessary View Composers

[2.6.2] - 08-09-2020


  • Team Reporting filters


  • Performance of show-if logic by adding caching to element selectors
  • Browser detection - now displaying errors on a IE < 11


  • Bug in conditional show-if logic which effected elements hidden because they were on a non-visible page

[2.6.1] - 14-07-2020


  • Launched New Image Browser


  • Bug where flexible-aspect-ratio crops were not correctly scaled down
  • Fixed PHP's float precision bug when running json_encode()

[2.6] - 26-06-2020


  • Updated reporting to clearly show download count for Saved Materials and Order Items
  • Added Custom Tab feature - the ability to define custom content to be availale via the main nav
  • Added Custom help page feature - the ability to define custom views to display in the help area in the Org Config

[2.5.2] - 29-04-2020


  • Social sharing feature

[2.5.1] - 23-02-2020


  • Template rendering error view

[2.5] - 12-02-2020


  • Share with Team feature

[2.4.4] - 27-02-2020


  • Feature tests for team assignment during SSO


  • Bug where team assignment was getting lost during SSO

[2.4.3] - 27-02-2020


  • Enhanced Teams view which displays resources assigned to team
  • Enhanced Users view with options to filter by Team and Role
  • Enhanced User Profile which displays team assignment

[2.4.2] - 10-12-2019


  • Added disk usage display to account section and app utilities - will alert user if account capacity has been exceeded
  • Launch of LogicMighty API Image Source Integration

[2.4.1] - 23-10-2019


  • Enhanced image browser - ability to re-crop images
  • Lazy loading of images into image browser (fetched in batches of 20 from all sources)


  • Bug where image browser did not fetch images from template specific folders

[2.4] - 24-09-2019


  • Image API - OAuth / Assets routes
  • File Manager - ability to regenerate thumbnails and preview images for all Resources and Saved Materials
  • Moved to using Redis for Jobs
  • Added TemplateRenderingException to help manage errors with template rendering
  • Added validateStencilData method to fix 'broken' saved materials

[2.3.9] - 16-08-2019


  • Ability to publish brand styles from within Template Utilites


  • Issue with FormattingHelper where repeaters inside groups inside pages didn't get formatting applied

[2.3.8] - 08-08-2019


  • URL updates with has when page is turned in LiveCreate editor - its not possible to load the editor on a specific page of a multi page document
  • When the user clicks Save & Continue they are redirected back to the current page of a multi page document


  • Bug where content in WYSIWYG fields was not getting stashed so was getting lost when pages where turned and show-hide conditionals runs

[2.3.7] - 16-07-2019


  • Behaviour to add active class to all text element when linked input is focused
  • Image source utility panel below Image Select fields with links to collection(s) for Account Admins and full details of all sources for Super Admins
  • Add disable-direct-update data attribute to stencil template language so you can use data-binding to highlight blocks but still get the server to render the template


  • Issue where textarea added via repeating row didn't auto expand

[2.3.6] - 12-07-2019


  • Save & continue options from LiveCreate editor (will create or update a SavedMaterial)
  • autosave behaviour to LiveCreate - this is enabled via a flag in the org config (live_create.enable_autosave) and requires a logged in user to be triggered. Will run the async saving every 30 seconds.
  • Toast style messages - these can be triggered on load or via a JavaScript event
  • content length checking to Wysiwyg fields - this hooks on to Redactors Counter plugin and runs a comparison with the suggested content limits as set in the YAML
  • 'Content exceeded' highlight state to live preview.


  • Issue where an ordered saved material could still be amended

[2.3.5] - 02-07-2019


  • Added callPDFApi and callImageApi methods to WkhtmlHelper so rendering can be delegated to another server - these are called based on flag on org config

[2.3.4] - 20-06-2019


  • Direct link from menu on template list to report of template usage
  • Blade directive to process image URLs in stencils - will append app base URL if the URL is not external (S3 or Third-party image library)


  • Issue where flex box was being applied to Saved Material, Awaiting Approval lists and List view

[2.3.3] - 15-05-2019


  • Launched Repeatable Pages
  • Added support for installing Redactor (WYSIWYG) plugins

[2.3.2] - 02-05-2019


  • Added WYSIWYG field type using Redactor


  • Refactor AccountCreator logic to correctly handle error if account admin email already exists

[2.3.1] - 22-04-2019


  • Added ability to browse template file structure inside code editor
  • Enabled textareas to be populated via data sources


  • Exception bug in Template Sync service

[2.3] - 15-04-2019


  • Launched Template Utilities - the ability to load templates from their own GitHub repo via the app interface - edit template code and preview changed - download templates as Zip files - upload new / amend existing templates in Zip - sync changes with GitHub

[2.2.5] - 06-03-2019


  • Improved presentation of login button in header for public accounts
  • Extented Data Sources to enable setting of dynamic xPaths on hidden inputs
  • Added textarea auto-resizing
  • Improved LiveCreate paging interface


  • Refactoring to makeImage() method in FileGenerationController to differentiate between the location the generated images should be stored and the required quality
  • Optomised methods in ExternalController to return usage data

[2.2.4] - 04-01-2019


  • Added ability to email Saved Material
  • Added Save as Word Doc option to templates
  • Upgraded CropperJS - added ability to define a crop mask in the YAML and pull this through into the cropper

[2.2.3] - 23-11-2018


  • Added ability to search orders in reporting section
  • Added ability to format resource details using markdown

[2.2.2] - 16-11-2018


  • Launched new date-range filter controls to reporting


  • Updated functional tests

[2.2.1] - 28-10-2018


  • Extended customisation options to allow defining a custom Resoirce Approved email
  • Extended Auto SSO embed feature to support different SSO protocols
  • Added ability to define custom fetchMethod and ImageSize for AssetBank in Template YAML


  • Fixed presentation bug in Embed CSS when viewed inside AssetBank
  • Fixed issue where redirect URL was sometimes getting lost during an embed auto SSO

[2.2] - 10-10-2018


  • Launched order basket feature
  • Added support for US paper sizes


  • Fixed bug where resource list in collections didn't load remotely stored images

[2.1.7] - 18-09-2018


  • Added GhostScript command to convert RGB PDF files to CMKY
  • Added ability to auto convert uploaded CSV files to XML
  • Added ability to define dynamic select options from dataSources in template
  • Added ability to 'bind' inputs - so the options available in one will update based on the selected value in another
  • Added ability to define 'instruction' text on each input


  • Enabled custom per-page value to be defined in Embed Installation
  • Extended AssetBank API integration to allow us to specify a fetch_method

[2.1.6] - 29-08-2018


  • Switched to LocalStorage to store embed parentURL rather than Cookie in Embed JS
  • Added code to check for installation slug in requests to InitEmbed middlewear so it can check correctly for auto SSO settings
  • Refactored how Storage Paths and URL are fetched from all Controllers
  • Standardised formatting of Upload settings in Org Configs
  • Fixed thumbnail duplicate naming bug by creating a uniqueFileName builder in the FileGeneration service
  • Fixed Low Res generation code for locally stored files

[2.1.5] - 24-07-2018


  • Updated SSO to auto-assign users to related teams based on config variables on each login
  • Amended createThumbnail code so it can access the temp data in the request to create a thumbnail rather than fetching the uploaded file<


  • Added the ability for Super Admins to update team slugs
  • Refactored MakeThumbnail method to allow resource model to be passed in

[2.1.4] - 08-07-2018


  • Added support for Amazon S3
  • Created ConfigHelper as a place to house the run-time processing of dynamic config settings


  • Switched to using cookies to store embed installation settings
  • Updated embed search and filtering controls to use new config format

[2.1.3] - 08-07-2018


  • Added ability to read exif data from images at point of upload
  • Extended bulk upload tool to allow setting of a type and collection to all new resources


  • Fixed bug where adding repeating elements broke show-ifs on select inputs
  • Updated embed JS to better compensate for Fixed Position elements

[2.1.2] - 30-06-2018


  • Added ability to bulk upload resources
  • Added ability to define multiple embed 'intsallations' on an orrganisation
  • Updated behaviour embed modal

[2.1.1] - 07-06-2018


  • Added ability to define a template as 'managed' - meaning all users need to submit for approval
  • Added multi-collection view in image select browser
  • Updated notification behaviour to enable either a manual or automatic recpient selection when submitting a resource for approval
  • Set up Oauth SSO protocol from AssetBank

[2.1] - 07-06-2018


  • Added ability to show / hide collections view inside app via settings
  • Added ability to fetch params from querystring to be used in template
  • Added individual usage reports to Saved Materials page
  • Added ability to fetch resource meta-data from collection images to be used in template parsing
  • Added Multiselect input type (checkboxes) with option to display in-line or open in a modal. Modal selection are remembered and automatically update list of selected options in main panel


  • Fixed issue where radio values weren't getting re-populated when field were show-hidden via a show-if
  • Added extra checks to resourceController to make sure the resources repo respects the user ability to view hidden resources

[2.0.8] - 05-05-2018


  • Launch of DataSource feature - ability to link to API end point and cache remote data locally for use within templates
  • Updated reporting
  • Added ability to hide main navigation tabs


  • Fixed bug where protocol param was not always getting passed to logUserIn method in SSO controller

[2.0.7] - 13-04-2016


  • Add ability to order prints and other resources and send details to predefined supplier
  • Add ability to generate a 'proof' (water marked PDF) and define permissions on a role / team basis
  • Added ability to generate new LiveCreate Thumbnails from with Edit view


  • Added 50ms pause to livePreview update all to allow show-ifs to repopulate values

[2.0.7] - 25-03-2018


  • Launch of AssetBank API Image Source Integration


  • Fixed issue where default stashed content was getting re-instated when show conditionals were triggered on a different page
  • Fixed bug triggered when focusedElement had not been set

[2.0.6] - 05-03-2018


  • Launch of LivePreview (Real time updating)
  • Created Template Object helper to store all the template properties

[2.0.5-beta] - 02-02-2018


  • Enabled SAML support for SSO
  • Added a reset filters link to search on resources listing view inside app


  • Updated embed init function JavaScript to check for fixed positioned elements in host window and avoid these while scrolling

[2.0.3-beta] - 10-01-2018


  • Enabled simply keyword search for resources in app<
  • Enabled the main tabs in the app to be updated via settings
  • Added resource search to Resource list for embed views
  • Moved thumbnail generation into FileGeneration service

[2.0.2-beta] - 05-12-2017


  • Fix issues with multi-page document previewing
  • Added extra cacheing to YAML parsing. removed redundant params being passed to PhantomJS

[2.0.1-beta] - 17-11-2017


  • Updates to SSO Controller so return URL can be passed in as a querysting param
  • Updates to SSO processes to handle passing in teams as querysting params
  • Tweaked SaveMaterial Generate function to only use the first page when creating a thumbnail


  • Fix for image panel not scrolling when embedded

[2.0.0-beta] - 10-11-2017


  • Upgrded underlying framework to Laravel 5.5
  • Upgraded to PHP 7
  • Major refactoring of core application code
  • Image and PDF generation performance boosting with smart caching and introduction of libvips
  • Extended Single Sign On framework
  • Image library now supports auto generation of low res version of all images


  • Fixed collection image permissions check
  • Fix issue where Safari would not accept Cookies from embedded BrandStencil

[1.3.4] - 20-10-2017


  • Added a new ‘clear_if’ option to fields in template YAML so the value of a field can be cleared based on the values of other fields
  • Updated conditional question logic to give AND operators a higher precedence than OR operators

[1.3.2] - 18-07-2017


  • Enhanced reporting to provide extra data, separate format reports and sortable columns


  • Fixed ‘back’ link error caused by Chrome no longer respecting referrer header

[1.3.1] - 06-06-2017


  • Updated security with introduction of Content Security Policy headers
  • Added ability to give repeating rows a label so the calls to action can be customised
  • Refactored account creation code into its own service

[1.3] - 12-04-2017


  • Created ‘Collections’ entity
  • Added ability to activate Image Library at account level
  • Added ability to define a Collection as an image source in a LiveCreate template
  • Added ability to define which binary to use when rendering a LiveCreate template
  • Added keyword search to users list
  • Added faceted filtering to resource listing on embeddable version
  • Updated format icons
  • Abstracted MakeImage() and MakePDF() methods to be binary agnostic

[1.2] - 28-03-2017


  • Updated LiveCreate workflow to enable all users to ‘Save as draft’
  • Updated LiveCreate workflow so existing Saved Materials can now be edited as well as copied<
  • Updated Reporting, Saved Materials and Awaiting approval lists to display current status of resource
  • Updated download control where Resource is available in multiple formats so use can select from a dropdown
  • Refactored the Saved Materials list and the Download view

[1.1.19] - 16-03-2017


  • Updated show/hide field behaviour to work with select inputs
  • Changed the way multi-page Print Previews are displayed to use a full screen modal
  • Re-factored LiveCretePaging JavaScript


  • Fixed issue where is_first_login property for some users created via the UsersController was not correctly set
  • Fixed error in Gulp clean tasks

[1.1.18] - 20-02-2017


  • Created ‘Connector’ framework to enable access to external sources for images in LiveCreate
  • Created connector for ThirdLight image library

Change log starts at V1.1.17