Integrate BrandStencil with ResourceSpace and you can provide your team with the right brand images directly from your templates.
Integrating BrandStencil with ResourceSpace
Connect your DAM (Digital Asset Management) system to your BrandStencil templates
View of your ResourceSpace folders from a BrandStencil's template.
Our integrations with ResourceSpace
We have integrated BrandStencil with ResourceSpace for charities including;
- British Red Cross
- Teenage Cancer Trust
Read more about the ResourceSpace integration with BrandStencil.
British Red Cross case study![](
An example of a ResourceSpace DAM home page
Learn more about ResourceSpace
To integrate with BrandStencil you will need to have a ResourcSpace DAM, or get one set up.
Visit ResourceSpaceSeamless DAM integrations
We integrate with other DAM platforms including Asset Bank and Intelligence Bank and are experts in creating seamless connections.
How do I get it setup?
If you want to find out more about a ResourceSpace integration talk to us today and we can discuss your needs.